Sunday, December 31, 2017

Well, this year has come to an end in the present.  Bye 2017. And as I now prepare myself for a new adventure in 2018. In, following my journey in understanding the criminal system, empowering those that are standing in the need of prayer, and working with those, to advocate for change and awareness in dealing with the criminal justice system. And discovering information to pass along to mothers lovers and caregiver of felons. The possibility of meeting new friends and forming relationships.

Oh, by the way, I got a wonderful link to the newsletter /home sent by Prison Action Milwaukee. PAM is an awesome, organization, that I honor and support. You can check out Prison Action Milwaukee out on FACEBOOK. Plan to attend PAM's fundraiser TBA. So getting back to the newsletter, which I felt as a mother's, lover or caregivers, could be a dream come true.  Loaded with information that will help to inspire one in seeking knowledge about what is happening to their love. Even insight about certain bills that affect various outcomes in the life of a felon.

And, according to the heading on the newsletter, it stated:"Every issue is put together by currently and formerly incarcerated individuals and their families."
I  even found this article: Possible Recreation of Admin Code On Classification, Sentence, and
Release Provisions

As a must-read. I was taught this one by my son.  I could never get the full charges out of him or what was he thinking to end up in this mess and how my life would change as I was now reacting and learning how to deal with the matter.

Let me say thanks for your time and attention to my ranting on'sNew Eve and to all.
Love and Peace and a wonderfully created  2018 New Year.

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