Sunday, June 23, 2019

Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer - God Will Use Your Abando...


Life is filled with tragedy, with long patches of struggle and with, I think, beautiful bursts of joy and accomplishment. Blessed with those moments, you just try to relax as much as possible and focus on the little things, like the joy of changing your baby's diaper. David Dastmalchian
Read more at:

Tragedy in one's life can be a signal for a change in one's surrounding or even life. Elizabeth Ehrhardt Mustaine & Richard Tewksbury (2000) Comparing the Lifestyles of Victims, Offenders, and Victim-Offenders: A Routine Activity Theory Assessment of Similarities and Differences for Criminal Incident Participants, Sociological Focus, 33:3,339-362, DOI: 10.1080/00380237.2000.10571174

But if one was to look up signal in a financial dictionary there is no meaning for that word, Yet if your child or loved one is in the criminal justice system then you are going to pay a price with money or your health. On such thing things a food/snacks, soda doing visit time or for the visit itself to travel to the prison or jail. Not to mention the phone calls and the canteen or money for the books, and clothing and other personal items. Plus the stress and strain one gets under when having to deal, with the criminal justices system.

Did you know that synonym for tragedy is bummer, misfortune, catastrophe, and whammy just to name a few? Thus one must turn it around to make tragedy into success, happiness, fortune, prosperity, and joy. By looking inwards and find the blessing that has been given to them through this challenge in life. One can make some success, happiness fortune, prosperity and joy in their life, by doing and thinking differently.

This all based on how you deal with the feeling of the tragedy of your child/ren or loved one who has entered into the criminal justice system. through their own fault or no fault of their own.

As you see I have recovered from one of my many tragedies in life and had the chance to write again.
Thanks for reading. Let me know how you are feeling. Hope you get a chance to review the link above to the cited material.

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