Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Thanks to all that taken the time to read and responded to my blog. I hope that I have brought value into your life through encouragements to seek the truth in dealing with the criminal justice system and our love ones, plus all of the changes that will take place in one's life.

Yet! 2017 will be a very new year. A chance to make changes and decisions especially when our love ones are dealing or caught up and we don't know why is this happening now?

Let remember that for 2017 balance and wellness is very important. You can not make correct decision when you are not in the best mental and physical heal. As for me, this will be a year that I am seeking to ask more questions about the purpose of situations and how it is serving my life, and relationships.
HapppY New YeaR!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mothers of Felons is a support group that is dedicated to helping Mothers, lovers, and caregivers in finding the answers to advocate on the behalf of their child/ren, that are dealing or facing the criminal justice system.
This will be done with the help of Jack &Mildread 
a WATSON powered application.

WATSON is a technology that uses natural language processing and combines with machine learning that will compile resources to assist the Mothers, lovers, and caregivers in finding how to navigate the criminal justice system. 

We aim to help answer the questions you need now:
-What to look for in selecting an attorney. 
-How to locate your child/ren if they have been arrested in another state. 
-What are the city and county ordinances and State and Federal laws that effect the alleged crime
-What the collateral consequences of the crime.
-What is the difference in plea bargaining or going to trial. 

Money is needed to build Mothers of felons Jack &Mildread (WATSON powered application), with verified resource links that will serve Mothers, lovers, and caregivers where they live. Helping to encourage them at this time in life, with education, empowerment and not fear. 

As a mother who child, is currently serving time in the criminal justices system. I know how devastating this can be on one's life and future outcome. It is my plan to assist the community with the needed support in making such a life changing decision that will not only affect their child/ren But looking to the outcomes and its effect on their life.
Help spread the word!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Well, I set-up a GoFund me account.

Check it out and please share. Thanks.
This is how I see the future.  What do you think?

Thanks, you so very much for your time. I just want to improve the system so that it works for us and not against us. Peace and Love.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Is it your struggle or not?
As mothers lovers and caregivers  we do  ever. Do we wonder why this has happened to our child/ren or love ones?

Our children/love ones can be faced with charges. whether true are false you  should search and find out just your child/love one is being charged with.
More than 90% of cases do get plea bargained. And only 10% goes to trail. (That is, however, is a past blog article .)
Now with this case here.

The first one aresseted is my son. Whom if it was'nt for him I would not beleive this stuff is necessary.

. Without understanding the whole complex being of man, mere reformation will bring about only the confusing demand for further reforms. There is no end to reform; and there is no fundamental solution along these lines.  As stated in:

 Social-reforms aimed at establishing equality, breed other forms of antisocial activity; but with right education, there is no need to seek equality through social and other reforms, because envy with its comparison of capacities ceases. We must differentiate here between function and status. what do this really mean??????

What a great concept:  If the student is helped from the very beginning to look at life as a whole, with all its psychological, intellectual and emotional problems, he will not be frightened by it? Taken from
 The real struggle is for you, because now you have to deal with the aftermass.
This is how I deal with it. How do you?

Saturday, May 7, 2016

This Mother's Day 2016

This Mother's Day 2016 I am starting a new way of thinking about my life for I am going to embrace a NEW MOtto to strive for.

After all my life was hit with a shock, that was very upsetting for me. Then add the shame as an extra ingredient to what I was feeling because of what my son had done.

 Plus, this is the blog for the mothers, lovers and caregivers of felons to discuss how to better deal with this condition and not allow it to sicken us with worry and grief. There is research that stress can kill.

This is why I am choosing to not allow conditions to stop me from receiving all the greatness and goodness in life.  Mother's Day for me is like Spring, I am renewing myself. How are you going to renew yourself? Staying in the same mindset of feeling bad, sorry or shameful will improve if you move forward and change your thought process about the situation that you now find yourself in.

With that statement, I would like to say HaPPY Mother's day. And thanks for your time in reading my blog.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just in a day's work.

While working the other day at the Homeless Veteran Stand Down I had a chance to meet a remarkable young man that represented and agency that I had not heard of. When he explain just what they did, I felt that I needed to share the mission of the group and the wonderful things that they do in helping  individuals, 17 and older. That might be at risk of going to jail for breaking rules as they are related to the City of Milwaukee ordinance violations, which is about eight hundred and some paged document.
Check it out:

This wonderful agency is Justice Point Municipal Court Alternatives Program.
However, they do not represent individuals in criminal cases. Yet the services that they provide are many, such as evaluations to identify appropriate recommendations for fines with jail alternatives. community service referrals to nonprofit organizations. Referrals for mental health and/or substance abuse treatment. Referrals for employment services.Court recommendations for alternatives to satisfy unpaid fines  and resolve outstanding warrants. This is just a few the services that they can provide.

As Mothers, lovers and caregivers of felons, we need to exam all the resources that are available in the community. This also helps with our own healing by bringing solutions to having a child, lovers or love one who is now facing having their freedom reduced. Plus many time troubles are a sign that we all must change. Each person taking a loving look inside of one's self. And the worry and shame one must face. Yet you are no longer feeling like a victim. Knowledge is power as the story goes. Yet is applies knowledge that really gets the job done.

So with that said. Let's go and search for the solutions for the injustices that have been committed. To make this world a better world and lose the worry and the woe is me attitude. Arm ourselves with grace, knowledge and love. Find out the truth of the situtation and go forth.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

To all that have taken the time to read my blog.  Although just like you I have had my up and downs. Challenges and issues. But in the end, we must find a way to make life better. First for self, then for our loved ones. Why self first? For you must have the strength to search for the correct answer as to your child, or loves one goes through the criminal justice system. Plus the effects of dealing with the system on your health and your other family members.

How do you deal with the pre-trail, bail, just to name a few? For in every case they do differ. Plus finding out if the crime fits the time.

So with this New Year, let explore more and write and expose the laws and their effects on our communities. So that we can all experience justices for all in a true sense.

No more blaming ourselves unjustly, but righting the wrongs with knowledge, understanding and love. In bringing humanity and accepting to the issues at hand while dealing with the criminal justice system.

Also, when you get a chance, please check out the two links below from on the informant law and the changes.  Thanks for your time. A very special Happy New Year. Let me know what you think.

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