Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!

To all that have taken the time to read my blog.  Although just like you I have had my up and downs. Challenges and issues. But in the end, we must find a way to make life better. First for self, then for our loved ones. Why self first? For you must have the strength to search for the correct answer as to your child, or loves one goes through the criminal justice system. Plus the effects of dealing with the system on your health and your other family members.

How do you deal with the pre-trail, bail, just to name a few? For in every case they do differ. Plus finding out if the crime fits the time.

So with this New Year, let explore more and write and expose the laws and their effects on our communities. So that we can all experience justices for all in a true sense.

No more blaming ourselves unjustly, but righting the wrongs with knowledge, understanding and love. In bringing humanity and accepting to the issues at hand while dealing with the criminal justice system.

Also, when you get a chance, please check out the two links below from on the informant law and the changes.  Thanks for your time. A very special Happy New Year. Let me know what you think.

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